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Athletic Prosthetics

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IsoTechnology has developed the IsoSOC “PROSTHETIC” which is a measurement tool for determining the pressures exerted on truncated lower limbs by prosthetic devices. The IsoSOC ensures better fitting/comfort of prosthetics for high performance athletes, soldiers, veterans and the elderly.

IsoSOC “PROSTHETIC” analysis is used in limb applications to test for pressures on the truncated limb. Pressure sensors are in contact with the limb surface. Transmission of data takes place using wireless technology. Real time video is utilized to add further information to the patient’s gait status. The pressure ranges may vary from grams to ounces or pounds.

Measurement of the forces at the point of contact with a patient’s prosthetic provides valuable information in prosthetic fitting with consequent improvement in various skin and comfort conditions.

In July 2009 there was a requirement from the Department of Defense, Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), for the development of limb applications to test for pressures on the truncated limb with pressure sensors to be attached to the limb surface.

The equipment consisted of sensors capable of providing real-time data on actual pressures being applied to the truncated limb.

JIEDDO required two (2) prototypes to be delivered.

Walter Reed Military Hospital has played a pivotal role in the research and development of the IsoSOC system to date.