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Strength & Performance

IsoTechnology has developed two cutting edge products for building strength, improving performance and assessing performance: IsoPUMP and IsoCAD.


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The IsoPUMP system is really three systems in one: evaluation, conditioning and a proprioceptive re-training system.

By combining all these systems in one unit, the IsoPUMP system allows the rehabilitation or training professional to diagnose, treat, test, train and develop the patient or athlete on one machine in one session.

The IsoPUMP system is designed for isometric, eccentric and isokinetic development.

Forces applied are monitored and the data is gathered and captured for further analysis and review. There are six basic exercises, and the system is designed to be even more flexible when used by rehabilitation specialists and trainers.

The basic exercises are leg press, bench press, lunge. Each of these exercises can be performed in an isometric or eccentric exercise manner. The IsoPUMP requires a total exercise time of 60 minutes per week for major strength gains.

Specialized exercise by means of the IsoPUMP Exercise and Rehabilitation equipment creates substantial differences in cardiovascular activity levels and strength.

The IsoPUMP is an exercise and rehabilitation device that provides a total body isometric and eccentric exercise performed in supine and upright positions. Therefore it evokes chemoreflex (metaboreflex), mechanoreflex and central command responses as well as changes in posture during the exercise phase.


The IsoCAD was developed to provide gait analysis and range of motion measurement for specific body regions. This system is ideal for rehabilitation progress reporting with an in depth medical history recording database.

The IsoCAD offers video capture, which is available for use in the office or during any sporting competition or training session. Comparisons between video footage can be made for improving athletic technique and performing in-depth, individual analysis. Moreover, accurate assessments can be made for the athlete, research subject or patient.

Additionally, IsoCAD provides users with the opportunity to create detailed, ongoing reports from actual time of injury, and throughout the rehabilitation process up until the full recovery of the patient.

IsoCAD allows users to shoot real time video of sports action or physical activity in general. This sophisticated tool offers the ability to isolate specific areas of a person’s body while they are performing prescribed activities. TheIsoCAD also offers various software-drawing tools for zeroing in on a patient’s performance and allowing detailed comparison of their performance using ghosting and speed framing visuals.

The IsoCAD software can be used in conjunction with any other “Iso” equipment or as a stand alone requiring only a video camera.